Bad days in the Digiworld
By K Mistro

    Everybody has bad days, and this was going to be one of them.  I woke up
but kept my eyes closed, as if I could pretend it was not dawn.  The scene
from yesterday kept running through my head, again and again.
    It was just after lunch, and everyone was getting ready to leave again.
Izzy was wishing he had more batteries, and Joe was complaining as usual.  I
had just ran down the trail, and told everyone to hurry up, when an evil
digimon got the jump on me.  Tai's cry of  "Sora!" came too late.  Izzy
quickly identified it as Luckimon, a luck digimon.  I digivolved Biyomon into
Birdramon, and sent her to attack.  Before the black gear was destroyed,
however, Luckimon got an attack out.  Luckimon's  Black Cat attack didn't
seem to affect us then, but later we noticed bad things starting to happen.
Right after we started our fire that night, it started to rain.  We couldn't
find any fruit, so we went hungry.  In the middle of the night, Joe kept
hearing sounds, so we didn't get any sleep.  I stayed up and watched him, and
there actually were bugs and other things waking him up.  It seemed like
everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.  I was really not looking
forward to the morning.
    Tai yelled,  "It's a new day! Come on everybody!", and I grudgingly got
up.  Or at least I tried to.  My sleeping bag's zipper stuck, and I had to
wiggle my way out the top.  I saw Mimi trying unsuccessfully  to light the
wet wood from last night.  I stood up and bumped my head on a branch.
    "Ow," I said, "I could have sworn that was not there last night!"
    "Yeah, that happened to me too." Matt replied.
    "I believe that something strange is going on," Izzy said, "that has to
do with Luckimon's attack.  I believe that it has caused us all to have bad
    "Don't be ridiculous," Tai exclaimed, "It's just a little bad luck."
    "Actually, Tai, the symptoms have seemed to increase exponentially since
the Black Cat attack.  We should be more careful."
    "Yah, whatever." Tai said, as he prepared to leave for the day.  He
shouldered his backpack and grabbed his digivice.  Or at least what he
thought was his digivice.  During the night, Demidevimon had snuck into our
camp and switched all our digivices around.  Little did I know, but Tai now
had mine in his hand.
    We started hiking around 9:00 in the morning.  Every once and a while one
of us would trip, hit their head on a branch, etc.  The straps on Matt's
backpack broke.  That morning had all the aspects of a bad day.  Around noon
I had got in front of the group again when we were attacked by an evil
Tyrannosaurmon.  He jumped out from cover and shot a fireball at us.  Tai and
I jumped into action at the same time.  He told Agumon to digivolve at the
same time I told Biyomon to.  A beam shot out of Matt's digivice and struck
Agumon,  transforming him into Greymon.  At least that's what they told me
happened.  What happened next caused me to forget everything else that
    Biyomon was standing in front of me at the time.  I remember everything
vividly.  I told Biyomon to digivolve into Garudamon.  I held up my digivice,
but no beam shot out.  That's strange, I thought, the beam is supposed to
come out of the digivice, through my crest, and into Biyomon.  Out of the
corner of my eye I saw Tai, and a beam coming out of his digivice.  However,
it wasn't going towards Agumon, it was coming towards me!  The beam pierced
through me body, and into my crest.  My whole body numbed as I watched the
beam go through me and into Biyomon.  Suddenly I had feeling in my body
again.  I saw that Biyomon was now Garudamon.  But something was wrong.  The
beam hadn't stopped.  It was still pumping through me.
    The first thing I felt was a pain in my legs.  I looked down, and saw a
dimple forming below my knee.  It kept bending inward until I thought my leg
was going to break, and then it did, with a sickening crack.  However, it did
not hurt as much as it should have.  The bend filled out until it looked like
a normal knee, just facing backwards.  I now had 2 knees on each leg.  My
bones stretched out to position them properly.  Just as I was getting over
the pain of my bones stretching, my skin began to itch like mad.  I started
scratching with all of my might but it did not do any good.  My skin started
to split and harden.  I peeled off the upper layers of skin and saw that
underneath, I had developed scales.  I really was starting to freak out.  I
looked down at my feet, and I realized they were changing, too.  My toes were
merging, and becoming three long digits.  Long black talons ripped out of the
end of them.  I noticed that another toe was forming out of the back of my
feet.  I now had four toes, three in the front and one in the back.  They
looked a lot like bird's feet.  I couldn't think about that, though, because
that horrible itching had begun again.  Small feathers, almost like down, had
began to sprout from my thighs and chest.  They soon developed into full
sized feathers.  My God, I thought, maybe I am turning into a bird.  I felt
another ripping sensation, and turned around to see many large feathers come
out from my butt into a fan-like tail.  It almost makes sense, I thought, if
I am becoming a bird I might as well have the tail.  I got distracted again
from that thought by a building pressure in my back.  The pressure got
greater and greater until it burst, spreading out two giant wings.  My arms
then followed suit with my chest, sprouting feathers up to the hand.  The
tingling sensation went up my neck and covered my head.  My hair fell out and
was replaced with feathers.  I started to feel pressure build up on my face.
My teeth merged, and moved out of my mouth, forming a beak.  I realized that
the beam had transformed me into a kind of Garudamon.
    As I stretched my new wings, I started to notice my surroundings again.
Everything was clearer, and I could see way off into the distance.  I could
see much farther than before, almost like an eagle's vision.  As I looked
closer, I noticed that everything was sharper and more vivid.  I noticed
that Greymon had defeated Tyrannosaurmon and that everyone was gathered
around me.  I also noticed that Garudamon had not changed back to Biyomon.
The beam that had transformed me had also transformed him, making him into my
male counterpart.   I looked down at my friends and said "Do you know what
happened, Izzy?"
    "No, this seems entirely improbable." Izzy replied.
    "Then I guess I will have to deal with it."  I spread my wings again and
gave them an experimental flap.     You know,  I kind of like this. Maybe
this wasn't such a bad day after all.
