A New Level

By: Rakeesh

The door slid open silent and the light from the outside windows filled the entrance. With a quick jump inside the door slid back shut and Davis gave a sigh of relief as he leaned against door and slid down a bit.

"Davis! You made it. Did anybody see you?" Izzy asked at the computer.

"Nobody saw us." Demi-veemon perked up silently.

"Alright then." Izzy said, Davis walking up behind him. "Everything’s set up for the test. Are you both ready?"

"Of course!"

"Absolutely!" They both said together.

"Alright then, you both know what to do." Izzy said, backing his chair up and standing aside.

"Right. Digiport power-up!" Davis said quietly.

The computer blinked and the screened glowed as the modem hummed alive. As Davis and Demi-veemon turned to black and disappeared, pulled into the computer, and into the Digital world. Their sight was filled with bright light as the cross into the Digital World. Davis’ clothing swirled with colour as all his clothes changed. As the light faded, Davis and Veemon found themselves in the middle of a field of grass.

"Well Veemon, did it work?" Davis asked turning and looking down at Veemon.

Veemon raised his arms in front of him, fists clenched and looked down at himself, then at his back and tail. He dropped his arms, his head and half sat half fell onto his rear onto the ground with a loud sigh.

"No, it didn’t work. I don’t feel the slightest bit stronger." He said with a sigh, scratching some little pictures into some soft dirt of a much bigger Veemon.

"Don’t worry. With the new program data, Izzy should be able to get it right soon." Davis said, stooping down to Veemon’s level.

"You’re right! Let’s get hurry back before someone notices we’re gone!" Veemon said going over to the TV access.

"Digiport Open." Davis said pointing his digivice towards it.

With another huge flash of light they found themselves back in the school’s computer room, Izzy sitting on the computer desk, looking out the window.

"We’re back Izzy. It’s another no-go." Davis told him, picking up Demi-veemon into his arms.

"You’d better get going then. It’s hard enough to keep all this a secret without them finding us both away." Izzy told him, getting back to the computer.

"Sure thing. Let us know next time you want to try. We’ll be ready." Davis told Izzy as he went to the door.

"Yup yup! Bye Izzy!" Demi-veemon said as he waved to Izzy.

Davis opened the door and looked outside, convinced nobody was around he walked out and closed the door behind him.

The small alarm clock beamed the time on the messy bed. Davis was curled up against the wall, his covers tossed half off the bed. Demi-veemon was sleeping on his back, mouth wide open and limps sprawled in every direction. The clock changed again as the blinking light continued it’s duty and changed the time to 2:00am. With a high pitched sneeze Demi-veemon shot up, still half asleep and fell back down onto his back, his stomach moving up and down as he breathed.

With a small glow however his body shifted and grew as he silently digivolved into Veemon. His limbs were still sprawled out in every direction and his mouth was open, snoring just as he was before. He started talking in his sleep, more mumbling then anything else actually.

He gave a groan and his arms went up and rubbed his paunch. He felt a slightly hunger pain and kept rubbing subconsciously. As he rubbed the skin tightened and his paunch slowly started to disappear. Very firm muscles were replacing his chubby stomach; a lean six pack replacing the once soft spot. His legs began to stretch and grow, muscle taking their place. His calve muscles bulged out as they matched the rest of his legs. His feet and toes grew longer and wider, equipping themselves for the new weight.

His chest became more defined and the muscle tensed. His ribs and muscles became more prominent as they started to look more human. Muscles bulged out more and more as he slept, as his breathing continued his chest grew larger and larger with muscle. The muscles spread all over his ribs and followed around his sides and behind him, to his back. The sounds of cracking ice could be heard for a minute as his spine and muscles readjusted themselves. His shoulders began to bulge, becoming much broader then they were. His arms bulged and thrived with muscle as it spread down to his hands. His biceps were at least the size of a small watermelons by the time the muscle spread across his forearms.

His fingers cracked and started growing wider and longer. His neck tensed as the muscles bulged outwards, a crack or two were heard as his neck lengthened a bit. His snout got a little bigger and his small horn got a bit bigger. His head did grow a few inches around and the rest of his head grew to match on-top of the change.

The clock shone 3:25am as Veemon’s eyes opened with a loud yawn. With a loud creek from the bed the leg on the left cracked and snapped off. He fell onto the ground with a thud, Davis falling on top of him. Davis creaked his eyes open and rubbed them with his hands. With a loud yawn he looked down.

"Veemon, how many times have I told you-" Davis froze as he looked at Veemon.

Veemon was about 6 feet tall now, his body completely balanced and covered in muscle. Davis starred as he got back onto his bed, Veemon standing up. He looked human, very much human. His build was a bit similar to that of Davis in the waist, but that would be where the similarities ended. Veemon’s tail swung about, at least 6 feet long. He looked at himself, rubbing his hands along his chest and stomach then his tail and then his arms.

"Wha…what happened?" Veemon asked, his voice was deeper, loosing the high pitch in his voice.

"I…I guess…it worked…" Davis said, still amazed.

With a huge stretch from Veemon, touching the ceiling and leaving a dent he sat down on the bed and really hugged Davis tight and lay down on the bed.

"I guess it did." He said groggily. And with that, and a huge smile, he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Davis reached over and grabbed his blanket and covered himself and part of Veemon as he curled up against him, right under Veemon’s large arm and fell asleep. The clock blinked again as it changed to 3:47am and the night was quiet again…except for the snoring.