
Pics of CAW

The Specs to make

Face Type - 20

Hair Back - 006 Type 6 (V-150, S-255, B-140)

Accessories - Accessories - 044

Mask Base - 061 (V-50, S-0, B-124)
Mask Accessories - 011 (V-128, S-0, B-112)
Horns - 016 (V-128, S-0, B-120)

Hat - 041 (V-128, S-0, B-120)

Upper Body

Base - 008 Figure - 2
T-shirt Base - 001 (L-67, V-10, S-0, B-60)
Shirt - 089 (L-32, V-128, S-128, B-128)
Wrist Band (L & R) - 019 (L-74, V-128, S-0, B-48)

Lower Body

Skin Base - 003 Figure 1
Underwear - 001 (L-127, V-128, S-0, B-72)
Socks - 008 (V-10, S-128, B-104)
Kneepad (L & R) - 030 (V-128, S-0, B-88)

Skin Color  (V-140, S-0, B-24)


Head (M-142, W-140, T-145)

Chest (M-137, W-140, T-135)
Abdomen (M-128, W-128, T-128)
Arms (M-147, W-145, T-150)
Forearms (M-145, W-145, T-145)
Wrists (M-135, W-135, T-135)
Hands (M-150, W-150, T-150)

Waist (M-128, W-128, T-128)
Thighs (M-150, W-150, T-150)
Legs (M-145, W-145, T-145)
Ankles (M-165, W-165, T-165)
Feet (M-216, W-216, T-216)

Height - 701